FINGAR and FINGER Family Genealogy

Genealogical information on the Finger family, mostly those descendants of Johannes Finger (Vinger) who arrived in
Livingston, New York from the Palatinate, Germany c.1710. Many associated Palatine 1710 Families are here too.
In addition, other lines of Fingers are now incorporated into this site.

A List of Finger Family Lines       NewsPage ~~ Updated February 1, 2021 ~~

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Charlie Farquharson and Dwight Finger

Dwight Rowland Finger with Charlie Farquharson
when I visited the set of Hee Haw in 1975

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"They were an honest, frugal and industrious people... Many of the descendants reside there, possessing the virtues of the parents. They are well-to-do farmers, and good livers. Among them will be found the family names of... Finger..." - History and Directory of Yates County

"The Finger family has generally been noted for honesty, frugality and good citizenship." - The Annals of Lincoln County, p. 270

 Families Represented 
In an effort to expand the scope of this site, I am now including all Finger family lines into one large database. However, I have added one extra piece of information to each person's record, to identify which Finger family line he is related to. You'll see a tag labeled Family Line with each person. So far, here's what we have:

AD1818 = Adam Finger, Germany to Lancaster, PA 1849
AD1878 = Adam Finger, Germany to Connecticut 1893
AL1874 = Albin Finger, Germany to New Jersey 1892
AN1821 = Antonius Finger, Bohemia to Wisconsin, 1881
AU1846 = August Finger, Germany to Pennsylvania 1879
AU1827 = August Finger, Germany to Wisc. and Minn., 1858
BE1824 = Bernhard Finger, Germany to Iowa, S.D., Minn, 1848
CA1844 = Carl Finger, Germany to Wisconsin 1884
CH1831 = Charles Finger, Germany to Illinois 1859
CH1839 = Charles Finger, Germany - England - N.Y. 1887
CH1844 = Charles Finger, Germany - Ohio - Michigan - 1866
CH1880 = Christian Finger, Switzerland to Kansas - 1905
ER1840 = Ernst Finger, Germany to Wisconsin 1863
FR1814 = Francis M. Finger, Germany to Indiana 1853
FR1816 = Franz Joseph Finger, Germany to Wisc. 1854
FR1822 = Frank Finger, Germany to Buffalo, New York
FR1833 = Frederick Finger, Switzerland to Ohio 1871
FR1842 = Frederick Finger, Switzerland to New York 1872
FR1844 = Fred "Fritz" Finger, Germany to Missouri, Kentucky 1867
FJ1816 = Francois Joseph Finger, Alsace to Texas, 1846
GE1822 = George Finger, Germany To New York 1845
GE1871 = George Finger, Germany To Pennsylvania 1885
GO1809 = Gottfried Finger, Germany to Wisconsin 1830s
GU1864 = Gustav Finger, Germany to New York 1882
HE1817 = Henry Finger, Germany to Illinois before 1850
HE1825 = Henry A. Finger, Germany to Kansas c.1872
HE1837 = Henrich Finger, Germany to Baltimore 1852
JA1874 = Jacob Finger, Russia to Idaho, New York 1892
JA1878 = Jacob Finger, Russia to Erie County, New York 1897
JO1700 = Johannes Vinger, Germany to New York, 1710
  JO1786 = Johannes Finger, Germany to Cleveland, OH, 1840
JO1790 = John Finger, Germany to Pennsylvania, before 1850
JO1803 = Johann Heinrich Finger, Prussia to Baltimore c.1842
JO1854 = Adopted son John H. Finger, Germany to New York, Illinois, Iowa 1858
JO1861 = John Finger, Bohemia to Manhattan, New York, 1872
JO1869 = Johann Finger, Germany to Ohio, 1887
JO1887 = Joseph Finger, Austria to New Orleans, then Houston 1903
JU1865 = Julius Finger, Germany to Michigan, 1882
KU1899 = Kurt Finger, Germany to Bronx, 1923
LO1849 = Louis Finger (& brother Gustave), Germany to Michigan 1881
LO1869 = Louis Finger, Russia to Delaware 1885
LO1890 = Louis Finger, Austria to New York 1907
MA1831 = Martin Finger, Germany to New York 1856
MA1884 = Max A. Finger, Germany to Illinois, 1884
PA1865 = Patrick Finger, Ireland to California, 1884
PE1724 = Peter Finger, Germany to Pennsylvania, 1749, then North Carolina
PE1845 = Peter Finger, Germany to New York 1883
PE1868 = Peter Finger, Germany to New York 1895
RU1862 = Rudolph Finger, Germany to Wisconsin, 1885
SA1866 = Samuel Finger, Russia to New York, 1890
SA1872 = Sam Finger, Russia to Texas, 1890
TH1815 = Theodore Finger, Germany to New Orleans, Texas, California, 1837
UN0000 = Various unknown and unconnected individuals and families
UN0001 = Unknown, Israel Finger, born 1818 Pennsylvania, and others
UN0002 = Unknown, Webster Finger, born 1842 New York
WI1818 = Wilhelm Finger Germany to New Orleans, Illinois, Kansas, 1852
WI1835 = William (Wilhelm) Finger Germany to New York 1861, (OH, GA, IL)
WI1859 = William A. Finger Germany to Vermont, New York, 1880
WI1883 = William Finger, Germany to South Dakota, then California 1905

Just as a point of interest, the reference number is produced using the first 2 letters of his first name and his birth year.

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Finger is the 6,739th most common name in the U.S., and
Fingar is the 62,903rd most common name in the U.S.
(based on 2010 U.S. Census)

Picture Indexes

Pictures, My father's side Austin, Fingar, Finger, McNutt, Owen
Pictures, Four generations, beginning with Elmer Finger (b. 1909)
Pictures, My mother's side Connors, Hull, LaSurke, Rowland

Poster, Association For The Detection Of Horse Thieves, (German Fingar, Secretary), 1868
Some Finger Coats of Arms


The Finger Family in Argentina
The Finger Family in Australia
The Finger Family in Brazil
Fingers From Bottendorf To America, John Vanko
Samuel Finger - Oldest Finger Ancestor in Bottendorf, c.1570, John Vanko
Samuel Finger - Appointment, c.1599, John Vanko
Reconciling the children of Johannes Vinger, b.1700, from various sources
Who Was Peter Finger? - by Wade Finger
Road Districts, 1808, Germantown, NY by Capt. Franklin Ellis
Descendants of Francis M. Finger, b.1814, Germany from Greg Breetz, Jr.
Reproduction of the marriage record of Jacob and Maria Finger, 1840
John H. Finger (b.c.1854) an adopted son
Fingars in Persons Liable To Military Duty in the New York State Militia, 1864
Sinking of the Evening Star, Robert Finger, Chief Engineer, 1866
The Attack on Webster Finger, 1871
Excerpt from History and Directory of Yates County, 1873
John Finger and James Sigler's wife 1882
Physician's Affidavit, relating to the death of Montgomery Finger, c.1883 Bigamy and Elopement, The Marriage of Fred B. Finger, 1885
Notes of William Penn Finger, assessor, 1885 Kansas state census
George Turner kills Edward Finger (1890)
William Finger's (b. 1835) Pension Letter (1891)
Tarred and Feathered, Oscar Houghtaling (1895)
The Life and Memory of Henry Finger (1837-1917) - 1896
The Life and Career of Abraham Finger (1889-1971) - 1896
Some Notes Concerning Hugh Fingar (b.1901) from Larry Boddy
Henry Finger, "81 Years Young," Shingles Roof of His Home
Lightning Caused Fire Destroys the Home of Cora Finger - 1933
Ralph Fingar Wins Life Saving Award, 1935
The Horrible Train Accident of Percy Fingar, 1938
Triplets and Twins, 1942
A. Howard Fingar's Chickens Destroyed by Fire, 1943
Descendants of Jacob and Maria Finger by Gladys Finger Nichols, 1946
Joseph Finger beaten, 1951
Fatal Accident of William Finger, 1976
Comments of Hank Jones concerning Johannes Vinger, 2003
The Fingar / Finger Family Reunion of 2003
Fingar / Finger Business Adverstisements
Variations of the name Finger


Marcus Cansler, b.1849, Texas
Donald Fingar, b.1923, New York
German Fingar, b.1823, New York
Jacob W. Fingar, b.1829, New York
Lewis Fingar, b.1859, New York
Philip Peelor, b. 1830
Chauncey P. Finger, b.1816, New York
"Bill" Finger, b.1914, New York
Franz Joseph Finger, b.1816, Germany
George W. Finger, b.1857, Texas
Donald Hugh Fingar, b. 1923 New York
Henry James Finger, b.1853, San Francisco
Capt. Henry L. Finger, b.1826, New York
Joseph Finger, b.1826, Austria
Simon 'Theodore' Finger, b.1815, Germany
Edward Stickles, b.1816, New York
Condit Snyder, b.1859, New York


Johannes Finger, Aug 12, 1779 Henry Shultis, 1884

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